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What are Carbon Budgets?

If we want to succeed in meeting the challenges of the paris agreements, it's always a good idea to remember the CO2eq already emitted and what we still need to consume to limit the acceleration of c

Carbon budgets are like quotas for greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide (CO2). They represent the total amount of emissions that can be released over a specific period to keep global warming within a certain limit.

Here are the key points about carbon budgets:

  • Goal: Limit global warming to a specific target, like 1.5°C as set by the Paris Agreement.

  • Unit: Measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2-eq).

Think of it like a credit card limit for CO2 emissions. If we exceed the budget in one period, it becomes even harder to stay on track in the future.

Here's the tricky part: the budget is shrinking! Each year we emit CO2, the remaining amount gets smaller. To avoid exceeding the limit, we need to rapidly switch to cleaner energy sources, like solar and wind power, become more energy efficient, and protect forests.

Countries around the world are working on strategies to stay within the carbon budget. This might involve using electric vehicles, investing in renewable energy, and adopting greener technologies.

By understanding carbon budgets, we can track our progress and change course before it's too late. It's a reminder that tackling climate change requires urgent action from everyone, individuals and governments alike.